Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dating with Real Russian Women

Meet your Russian lady - beautiful Russian girls and single women. Ukrainian brides are waiting for you. All ladies are real and family-oriented

Twisted notion about Russian women

There are online dating agencies publishing stories and dating articles on their sites. But the information about Russian women is very twisted and false. Therefore men's perception of Russian women is completely wrong. Such agencies invent false images of Russian women to attract more men registering on their sites and buy membership. Unfortunately because of that, misguided men treat Russian women the wrong way. Thus much of misunderstanding comes up.
Twisted notion about Russian women as many dating sites present is that she is absolutely young, beautiful, undemanding and dreaming only about the man who is much older than she is. According to that statement, men can easily find a young and beautiful Russian woman who will be very obedient and patient to any abuse due to the fact that she wants to get our of her country. There are men who are not wealthy, young and healthy. They are confident they can find such a woman fast and easily. If they happen to date Russian woman, they treat her with no respect because of false conception they used to absorb before.

The way of treating Russian woman

Alike other women from different countries, Russian women desire to be treated with dignity and respect. Before starting relationships with a Russian lady of your dreams make sure your approach is right and expected. If you behave yourself the way which scares the woman away she won't be able to let you into her life.
To make Russian woman like you it's not necessary to prove her your material well-being and show her your western passport or photos of your luxury house. The most important thing Russian woman must be sure about is your serious intention towards her and your desire about building stable relationships with her. Russian women want to feel safe in dating. You don't need to pretend to be a good boy if you are not serious and only about playing games. Russian woman feels it and will reject your approach. Be sincere and honest. There is no need to present yourself to be a super-man trying to convince the woman that you are much better than you are :) Just be yourself and behave yourself naturally. Treat Russian women the way you would like to be treated. Be sincere, respectful and polite. If Russian women feel you are honest, she will be very open towards you. You will be amazed to see how rich Russian sincerity is when she starts opening it to you. Your goal of making a Russian your bride can be reached if you treat Russian Lady courteously and with care.

What do Russian Women expect from men?

If you ask whether Russian women are demanding or not, my answer is yes and no. Yes - because they have their own needs to be supplied. No- because most of Russian women are patient and enduring. They are so understandable and self-giving, concentrated more on making others needs. Women from Russia and Ukraine live in tough conditions because of low social level of the countries they live in. If you call a woman from Russia strong like a rock you won't be mistaken as these women get used to deal with the difficulties and daily problems to survive in a hard time of economy downturn. It's not something ridiculous when you see that Russian women solve all issues in place of men. Along with being strong, enduring and patient, Russian women are very tender and fragile. They do need real man's support and defense. From a man, they expect man's support, maintenance and leadership who takes his main responsibilities in a family life.
The distinguishing feature about Russian women is they are not ardent feminists. They are women in every inch. When they get dressed they dress for men exclusively. They wear beautiful clothes and well-groomed coiffure (hair-style) to make men like them and attract their attention. So, use this chance to make compliments. Women from Russia and Ukraine do love it. But don't overdo it. Or else women will think you are not sincere or just flatter them.
The psychology of Russian women differs from psychology of women from other counties. Russian women are very open and not reserved. If they date or live with a man they consider their lives tightly run into. They don't cut themselves from problems of their man. They take an active part in solving his issues and sharing his life activities. Likewise, they can't understand when a man doesn't take interest in their daily activities. Russian women do want to share their feelings, emotions, experiences with the men they live with. If the man considers interfering into the woman's life to be something 'very private' or indecent, he is mistaken as Russian women interpret it as his indifferent attitude towards her. Be all ears when she speaks, listen to her very carefully. Let her know you understand her, you are with her and always ready to support and help. Women will appreciate it.
Russian woman are family-oriented. They cultivate family values and pay attention to men's attitude towards it. Their men must love kids, must make money and help about the house. Yes, I did mention this. It's not because she is lazy or bad housewife. She can do all by herself. She just wants her man's attention and his being near to share her life "in the kitchen" too.
Be kind and loving to her kids if she has them. You can give 1000 presents and say beautiful words to the Russian bride but if you don't care about her kids she doesn't care about you. It's true that women with kids also look for a good father for her children. You never win her heart unless you make a road to her kids.
Many Russian women live in hard living conditions they need a strong man by their side. I don't claim you should be a super-man to solve all her problems. You don’t, just be near your beloved woman and comfort her first. Russian and Ukrainian women want to have a man with a sound sense of humor. Remember this! Tell jokes, but don't say vulgar and stupid jokes to make your woman laugh. Be neat with your funny stories not to offend your love. Merry and smiley man with a sense of humor attracts Russian woman.
Russian women love gentlemen. They love men who are generous and don't count spent money in their presence. It doesn't mean you must be a money waster. It also pricks up her ears. But never make a mistake of counting your money you have. You will make her feel uncomfortable and also when you always talk about money issue. She will consider you being mercantile. Be generous enough to make her feel you take care about her and that she means more than money to you.
One more thing - take initiative. Make your woman feel you think about her leisure. Be first to organize an event that you both like; going out for a walk, to the restaurant, etc. Give her pleasant surprises. Make an entertainment for her. Be her close friend all the time.

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